John Rogers Elementary

John Rogers


Rogers Music

Welcome to music at John Rogers Elementary, where learning sounds great!

Since we are not meeting in person at this time, please visit my YouTube channel,  Music with Mrs. Trinneer with music lessons designed especially for kids from Kindergarten to First Grade! 

Next year in music, students will be learning about music by playing various types of instruments, moving and listening to music, reading and writing music, as well as creating and improvising while meeting the latest health and safety guidelines.

Kindergartners and first graders will be exploring pitch as well as learning about beat and rhythm. Second graders will explore creativity through improvisation and composition. Third graders can look forward to learning how to play the recorder. Fourth graders will be learning to play our classroom set of ukuleles and fifth graders will learn piano keyboard skills.

Stephanie Trinneer
Rogers Music Teacher, Choir Director

We must look forward to the time when all people in the lands are brought together through singing, and when there is a universal harmony.
~ Zoltan Kodály


Check out my YouTube channel, Music with Mrs. Trinneer with music lessons designed especially for kids from Kindergarten to First Grade!  You can enter the video URL code into (more information posted soon) to view as a stand-alone video.


Music Schedule for the 2021-2022 school year: To be announced