John Rogers Elementary

John Rogers

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John Rogers ~ Attendance

~ Attendance, John Rogers

Ainsa, Veronica

Admin Secretary

Blumhagen, Melissa

Teacher-Elementary Specialist


Hi everyone! I have been at John Rogers since 2015 and been having a blast ever since! I try to keep my students active as many minutes in the gym as possible! We learn a variety of team sports and individual non-competitive games and activities. Cheers to healthy living and fun fitness!

,Personal Message


Keep it Healthy John Rogers!!!  You guys rock!!!

Cheng, Phoebe

Occupational Therapist
Johnson Clark

Clark, Johnson

David Clement

Clement, David


Clemons, Sarah


Personal Message

Years teaching (at Adams, and in total): This is my first year at Adams, but this will be my 15th year of teaching in Seattle.

Grade levels taught: Mostly 3rd, 4th, 5th grade.

Educational background: I graduated from San Francisco State in Liberal Studies. I earned my teaching credential with MA in Education from Antioch University. I received my National Board Certification in 2009.

Past careers/lives before teaching: Growing up I had lots of

babysitting gigs, but my first real job was at Godfather’s Pizza. I have taught pre-school, worked at a video store, and was an office assistant at Ellis Brooks Chevrolet Car Dealership.

Favorite artist/musician/performer: There are just too many different artists I love, but during my recent trip to France I became fascinated by French street art, the Italian sculptor Adolfo Wildt, and Leonardo da Vinci’s many inventions.

Favorite creative medium: Mixed Media Projects.

Book that influenced you most as a child: Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle (Maybe I related to the kids in the story because I had a few bad habits when I was younger?).

Special skills/talents: Making banana chocolate chip muffins.

Super power you wish you had: Flying, so I could travel around the world and visit new places.

Food you refuse to eat (even now as an adult!) and/or strangest food you've ever tried:

Fried or hard-boiled eggs, but I loved them scrambled with mushrooms.

Favorite morning beverage: Coffee (a must!) or a Soy Latte.

Oddball fact about yourself: My daughter and I found a banana spider while traveling in Korea.

Last updated: 9/24/2015

Dimsey, Casie

Interim Principal

My superpower(s) are:

  • Positivity
  • Tenacity
  • Ferocity

What are your superpowers that make you, YOU? “Be the dance and the smile in life” ~Casie Jean

Amy Ferguson

Ferguson, Amy

Fifth Grade Teacher


I graduated from the University of Washington with a B.A. in American Ethnic Studies and a Masters in Education. I received National Board Certification in 2014.

I am a tribal citizen of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska.

,Personal Message

I am thrilled to be a member of the John Rogers community. 

Ganaway, Daisha

Third Grade Teacher

Garcia, Gabriella

Instructional Assistant

Gonzalez, Ivan

ELL Instructional Assistant
Mary Gordon

Gordon, Mary

Reading Specialist

Personal Message

Gray, Teelin

Instructional Assistant
Alexis Grigerman

Grigerman, Alexis


Hashmi, Zane

3rd Grade

Jorgensen, Colin

Instructional Assistant
Melinda Kohl

Kohl, Melinda

Instructional Assistant

MacNaughton, Sydney

Speech Therapist

McCue, Amy

Counselor & 504 Building Coordinator, Homeless Program/McKinney Vento Program Building contact (McGilvra)

I am so excited work at both McGilvra Elementary School and John Rogers Elementary School.  My job is to provide social/emotional supports to our wonderful students along with offering support to your family around community resources, mental health referrals and/or questions regarding a student 504 plan.  I feel so lucky to be at two great elementary schools!

  • My schedule is Monday, Tuesday and alternating Wednesdays at John Rogers.
  • My schedule is alternating Wednesdays, Thursday and Friday at McGilvra.

Thank you for all you do for our children!  Strong, supportive families make strong students!  I so appreciate you all!