John Rogers Elementary

John Rogers

John Rogers Rebuild and Relocation

Summary : John Rogers Elementary will relocate to the John Marshall building for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years.

Frequently Asked Questions About John Rogers Rebuild and Relocation

John Rogers Elementary will relocate to the John Marshall building for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years.

School Day Questions

By bus. SPS transportation will put a pick-up and drop-off plan together, and students will be grouped at stops near their homes.

Unless something changes at the district level, school times are projected to stay the same.

SPS Transportation will put together a drop-off and pick-up plan that is specific to every family.

John Marshall was remodeled approximately six years ago. The building is in good condition, close to Green Lake, and big enough to have options for flex spaces. It also has a large kitchen cafeteria and stage. It has two gyms, which allows for plenty of space for PE and indoor recess when needed. The John Rogers staff and families will have a large parking lot to use and the building is ADA accessible with an elevator and ramps at the entrance.

Yes, classroom spaces are still being determined.


More questions about the rebuild and relocation plan?

Amanda Fulford, Capital Projects Manager for John Rogers,

Seattle Public Schools Transportation Department 206-252-9000.

Learn more about the John Rogers rebuild project

After School Care Questions

John Marshall has more physical space available and a dedicated, licensable childcare room. Though the John Rogers administration will determine how the school spaces will be best used, previous childcares have used one of the gyms and cafeteria spaces. MOOSE and other child-care providers across the city are working hard to staff their programs, and we cannot predict whether program enrollment will change.

Our current childcare provider is MOOSE, operated by the Associated Recreation Council (ARC).

This is not provided by SPS transportation or MOOSE; however, families are welcome to pursue service arrangements with a provider or find another work-around if they feel this is a need.

This is not provided by SPS Transportation, but families are welcome to fill out an alternate address form to demonstrate interest for specific locations. Contact the Department of Transportation to find out if there is a bus with room for your child associated with the alternate drop-off address. There are no guarantees, but families are welcome to fill out this form.

If John Rogers secures any additional after school care partnerships, we will inform families immediately.

More questions about after school care?

Susan Hall, SPS Alignment Coordinator,

MOOSE program contact number 206-510-7856.

John Rogers After the Rebuild

When the school moves into the remodeled space in 2025, will enrollment increase? If so, are other nearby schools consolidating with John Rogers? Will neighborhood boundary lines change? 

Boundary lines will not change. The new school has been designed to accommodate 500 students, and historically enrollment increases after Capital projects at schools. 

If you have additional questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out by contacting John Rogers at

architect's drawing of a building with a walkway and plantings
Potential view of the south entrance
a site plan drawing with a school footprint and a field
Potential site plan
architect's drawing of an exterior courtyard
Potential view of the courtyard
architect's drawing of a large interior space with stairs going up
Potential view of the commons